Can Mozilla Prove Firefox Is the Most Secure Browser


-- The claim of "Firefox keeps your personal info personal and your online interests away from the bad guys."

-- "When Are You At Risk? An independent study shows that, in 2006, IE users were vulnerable to online threats 78 percent of the time.

I think those three items will provide some nice discussion for subsequent parts of this article series--where I will dig into these security marketing points to analyze and discuss in more detail. That 2006 exposure report looks very interesting, for example, as it makes me how well it stands up in more recent time periods.

Over the course of the next few parts to this series, I hope to leverage the investigation of these security claims to look at the current landscape of browser security, where it has been and hopefully see where it might be going next. And, along the way, we'll try to see exactly how supportable these security claims are.

is a security director in Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing group. In this role, Jeff draws upon his years of security experience to work with enterprise CSOs and Microsoft's internal security teams to drive practical and measurable security improvements into Microsoft process and products.