CA's CTO says focus on integration


How are you planning to find talented people to staff the research group? A modern CTO needs to continue to recruit the best talent. Formally, a part of my charter is to actively evangelize and recruit with universities around the world.

What are some cool emerging technologies that could be important for IT? There are a couple of technologies that could really change IT. Everything will be IP-based, and we're about halfway there. With everything IP-based, it's a very different IT organization. Storage becomes IP-addressable. Today, we're 20 percent penetrated on VoIP, but there will be IP devices, from big phone switches to other things. Once you identify everything as IP-addressable, you can discover it, track it, and management becomes almost based on a query.

What is Yogesh Gupta's new role as vice president of business development? Yogesh has become a close colleague. He's an industry veteran and a friend and has done a fantastic job in the CTO role for five years. Now he has a very important role of helping drive business strategy within our mergers and acquisitions group. I'm thankful for his leadership and suspect he'll do a fantastic job.