BYOD: New animal, new taming techniques


Besides wanting to attract younger talent who often prefer a lower-paying job that allows flexibility in device-choice, social media access, and mobility than a higher-paying job with less flexibility, according to the 2011 Cisco Connected World Technology Report, productivity and easier support are key reasons behind the firm's BYOD adoption.

"BYOD is unique. You don't have to spend money on devices but you see positive results -- more productive employees who need less support," Ng noted. "Our internal survey suggests that each worker saves 30 minutes daily with BYOD in place. The reason is obvious -- people use devices they are familiar with."

"When people do have problems [with consumer devices at work], they talk to their colleagues, friends or online support communities," he added, "because these resources provide speedier help than IT shops."

It's also human nature to take good care of a device if you own it, Tam from Websense noted. "From my experience, devices owned by workers seldom break and are in better condition compared with devices provided by an employer," he said.