Barrett Brown Says Anonymous Attack on Drug Cartels Still Alive


On Sunday, a Mexican newspaper, Milenio, reported that two Anonymous members told it the . The cancellation came shortly after it was reported that Los Zetas had been hiring computer experts to hunt down the hackers.

Because Anonymous is so loosely knit, it's often the case that something is done in its name and then immediately renounced by other members of the organization. For example, the website of the former attorney general of the Mexican state of Tabasco, Gustavo Rosario Torres, has been . Scrawled on the site was the message "Gustavo Rosario Es Zeta" signed "Anonymous Mexico." On both occasions, Anonymous Mexico has denied having anything to do with defacing the site.

Given the amount of disorder that's surrounded OpCartel so far, there'll probably be a few more twists to this tale as the Saturday deadline approaches.

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