Australian school saves with thin clients


The thin client solution won't alter the school's software licensing arrangement but Deyaolu said the architecture makes it easier to manage.

"Our computer labs used to have a definite hum and the room would be a lot warmer but now they are silent," he said. "Schools should be aware it's really worth looking into. It will really help the smaller schools as well because you don't have to change the hardware. You can stream to PCs."

Wyse Australia's managing director Richard Eccles said the biggest push back for thin clients has typically been user acceptance but streaming technology is changing this by providing a PC experience.

"We've done a good job in the past of selling PCs but the thin client is like a light bulb -- if it breaks you just replace it," Eccles said. "The information is still kept securely on the server so if a terminal is stolen none of it is lost."