Are cell phones 'Stalin's dream'? Readers weigh in

We've all seen it in movies and TV shows: a criminal or whistleblower being tracked by the government takes the battery out of his cell phone and throws them both in a river. Presto: You're off the grid.

But is such behavior necessary for those of us who don't gain attention from a large and powerful organization with sophisticated surveillance technology?


Richard Stallman says yes.

"I don't have a cell phone. I won't carry a cell phone," says Stallman, founder of the free software movement and creator of the GNU operating system. "It's Stalin's dream. Cell phones are tools of Big Brother. I'm not going to carry a tracking device that records where I go all the time, and I'm not going to carry a surveillance device that can be turned on to eavesdrop."

Stallman's comments on mobile phones and the free software movement, Monday, set off a wave of debate online. Readers weighed in with more than 1,000 comments, including and hundreds more on social news aggregation sites like Reddit, Fark and Ycombinator.