Apple executives speak: On toaster-fridges, financial guidance, and lawsuits


Customers are using all the features of iCloud, response has been terrific, feedback has been terrific.

Pickup on storage [customers purchasing expanded storage or iTunes Match] is occurring and growing, because we just launched iCloud in October and we've now got over 125 million users that have come onto the service since then and they're building up documents and music and other things that they want to store, so I think storage growth will more come over time.

Our real desire here was not about selling more storage. We think Match is a great product and we recommend everybody use it, but it's a paid-for service.

We just really wanted to increase the customer delight from the entire ecosystem and platform of our iOS devices and the Mac, and that's why we've done iCloud; we couldn't be happier that just a couple months into this there's more than 125 million users around the world on iCloud.