Apache highlights open source projects


Apache at the conference also rolled out Jakarta Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) 1.0, for integrating Java applications with existing non-Java applications, such as linking Java applications or libraries with C or Perl-based environments. "It's the first major release of the BSF," Jagielski said.

The Jakarta top-level project, however, will eventually give way to projects standing on their own, said Jagielski. "When Jakarta started, the projects [contained within it] were very small," he said.

"It made sense from a management and oversight [perspective] to lump those under an umbrella," he said.

The Apache Directory DS (Directory Server) 1.0 and its certification by The Open Group also were hailed at the event. DS is a full LDAP implementation for functions such as password authentication.

"It makes it much easier for other Java-based applications such as application servers to natively include LDAP capability," said Jagielski.