ANSTO gets positive reaction from ITIL implementation


"IT managers are a great help for saving money. I have no problem allowing them to both invest capital for upgrades and for reducing ongoing costs where possible. Every dollar we spend is a dollar less in research," he said

ANSTO is now operating on the multi-gigabit research network between Sydney and Wollongong, as part of the upgrades, which also introduced gigabit links to staff computers and shifted network infrastructure from the organisation's two campus sites to street grey boxes (kerbside nodes), which resembles the architecture of a commercial telecommunications provider. A new wireless network dubbed ScienceNet will come online this year which will require new access controls to allow scientists and visitors to use the same AARNET WAN, while Beckett will continue work on a knowledge and content management strategy. ANSTO's IT staff are a mix of industry veterans, TAFE students and post-graduates from Wollongong University. Beckett recruited 11 staff, many university and TAFE students, within nine months during a previous shortage.