Another Facebook User Revolt on the Horizon? Of Course!


Complaints about Facebook's new features have also provided new ammunition for the ongoing battle with Google+, which just opened its doors to the public this week after a twelve-week closed field test.

"I am seeing nothing but complaining about the new Facebook features on my Google+ page," observed .

A released just hours after the f8 announcements on Thursday by SodaHead, an online community and survey site founded by a former MySpace VP, found 84 percent of over 1400 users surveyed disapproved of Facebook's facelift.Web poll

PCWorld's seems like the most likely place to find some words of support for the changes, but our own informal survey returned the same findings. A quick review of over 50 responses to our request for comments on the redesign posted within the first twelve hours following the f8 announcement shows less than 20 percent expressed support for the new Facebook. The word "sucks" dominated the conversation and the merits of Google+ were widely espoused.

"Organized chaos or shuffling deck chairs on the Titanic. I pick the latter. It's not working for me," comments Heather Carey on the PCWorld Facebook page.