Analyst: Cross-Licensing Will Be the Conclusion to Apple v. Samsung Trial


The federal district court judge in the trial, Lucy Koh, also has tried, without much luck, to get the companies to settle their differences. In May, she forced Apple CEO Tim Cook and then-Samsung Major Domo Gee-Sung Choi to attend before the trial began. No agreements resulted from those meetings.

Judge Kohn to get the companies to iron out their differences as the trial drew to a close last week. "It's time for peace," she told the companies. That plea was ignored by the companies, and the trial continued.

Nevertheless, there are signs that the companies are talking to each other. On Monday, Bloomberg reported that the new CEO of Samsung, Kwon Oh Hyan, before the case was sent to the jury. Apparently, nothing was settled in those negotiations, as the case is now before the seven men and two women who will hand down a verdict in the case.

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