Alcatel-Lucent launches Dynamic Enterprise in Malaysia


He said that mobile devices are a blind spot in enterprise security. "NLG, which is delivered by an always-on plug-in card, offers remote fast auto offline backup, patch updates, content encryption, and virtually eliminates end users from the security process."

"The NLG card, which will be priced around US$300-400, includes its own battery, processor, GSM, 3G communications, GPS (Geo Positioning by Satellite), and allows remote IT management," he said. "If the laptop is stolen, you can instruct your IT manager to lock up, or destroy the laptop data, as well as help to locate the device via GPS or 3G coordinates."

"Business continuity, security, enhanced productivity and compliance are just some of the benefits from this solution for large enterprise to small and medium businesses (SMBs)," said Ong.