Adobe Eyes Creatives With Cloud Service, Photoshop App


Web designers will want to grab for developing interactive wireframes and website prototypes. The capability to demonstrate interactivity without building an entire mockup is certainly worth $9.99.

To get a look at more of the features that the Adobe Touch Apps offer, Adobe has a here.

How Will This Be Useful?

If you're offsite, you'd be able to make design changes on the fly without hauling a laptop. Yes, you could do that with a decent laptop, but a tablet is a less risky device to take traveling. Plus, outfitting your creative team with tablets rather than laptops is a huge potential cost savings.

There's also the question of price. While Adobe hasn't shared the numbers yet, it has promised that Creative Cloud will be inexpensive. Hopefully a recent graduate who wants to start their own freelance design business can enter the industry with Creative Cloud rather than spending thousands on a full professional Adobe software suite.