A Look Inside Twitter's New 'Discovery Engine'


Not too shabby of an addition, eh? Here's the biggest problem with Twitter's new Discovery Engine, though: Most people may never even discover it. Sure, the Twitter team plans to implement the service site-wide sometime soon -- but honestly, how often do you actually use the Twitter.com interface? I don't have any official stats to back this up, but anecdotal evidence suggests the vast majority of regular Twitterers use a third-party program like or to manage their tweets. Twitter's own interface is so limiting compared to those API-driven utilities that it only makes sense.

Still, it's good to see the company taking steps to strengthen its own setup and add a little more value into its site. A few more tweaks, and maybe -- just maybe -- new Twitter users of the future will have a reason to at least check out the site's own interface before turning to an external solution.

What would it take to make Twitter.com usable for you? and let me know. Just don't tweet me any twaddle, or I might twinge -- and that would be, well, tewwible.

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