4 Dangerous Myths about Data Disposal, Debunked

According to IDC, in 2008 the total amount of information created exceeded the total amount of usable space on every hard drive, tape, CD, DVD and solid state memory device ever created. At the same time, there's been an explosion of legal obligations for data, largely driven by expanded e-discovery requirements and the revisions to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.

Confusion about these legal obligations and a lack of communication between legal and IT have led companies down a path of "save everything." Indeed, even with data volumes increasing exponentially, 70 percent of companies still don't have a practice for disposing of information at the end of its life. As a result, data management and litigation costs are now totaling hundreds of millions and cost control is of critical importance.

There is a tremendous opportunity for companies to defensibly dispose of data and dramatically lower their data storage costs. In this article, we'll expose some of the myths that inhibit data disposal and challenge the organization to rethink how they deal with this issue.