10 Ways to Make Your Home Geeky Cool


If you happen to have a pantry in your house and know a little about circuits, this very straightforward hack may be for you. The DIY pantry light, by Gina Trapani’s father-in-law, was made using a watch holder and rope lights. By attaching the switch just so, the light switches off as you close the door, which prevents wasted electricity. Check out Gina's on Flickr.

If the rainbowduino coffee table wasn't quirky enough for you, how about a made out of trash cans? The long LED lamp is made out of two trash cans and a sheet of PVC, and it you can adjust the brightness using a Sony remote control. Parallax Forums .

More a potential product than a hack, the lets you grow and manage your garden with a tap of an app. Once hooked up to your phone, Farmbox will automatically make sure your plants or vegetables get enough water, light, temperature and nutrients needed to grow nicely. What's more, data about your plants is uploaded to a cloud service, so you can record how to successfully recreate it again, or pass on to impressed friends..