10 questions for Freeborders CFO Paul Machle


My style is empowerment. I like to hire great people and then let them run with their priorities and their projects. I tend to be fairly hands-off in what people do and expect them to perform at the level they're capable of.

6. What strengths and qualities do you look for in job candidates?

We look for people who are self-motivators and can work independently. Strengths we value include the ability to take initiative and run with whatever given project or assignment. My team members are usually people who fight for opportunities to take challenges and risks.

I look for people that can work independently, that like to be challenged and aren't looking for somebody to tell them what to do on a daily basis. I really look for people that will take the initiative and will run with whatever project or assignment is given to them.

7. What are some of your favorite interview questions or techniques to elicit information to determine whether a candidate will be successful at your company? What sort of answers send up red flags for you and make you think a job candidate wouldn't be a good fit?