Sega Beats Sales Goals, Profits Still Down 84 Percent From 2010

Sega Sammy, the financial holdings group that houses both Sega and the Sammy Corporation, is reporting dwindling profits for the Q2 portion of the fiscal year.

Although Sega appends the blame to "weak" markets in Europe and the U.S., along with stingy consumers holding on to their disposable income, an equally likely culprit is poor-quality video games. In the period of time covered in the company's report, their major video game releases included , , and the Japan-only "Sakatsuku7 Euro Plus" title for PSP. Each of these titles has been a disappointment on store shelves, and all three combined only amounted for 850,000 in total units sold worldwide.

Hopefully, Sega Sammy has better things to report in the future, as they have a big list of titles that are releasing in the next 12 months: Sonic Generations, Aliens: Colonial Marines, Shinobi (3DS), Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown (PSN/XBLA), the Sonic CD? re-release, and Phantasy Star Online 2.

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