Weekly Wrap: Macworld's top stories for the week of May 22, 2011

We get it: You're busy. Much as you would love to read every story we publish here on Macworld.com, it's inevitable that you miss the occasional piece. But we love you, and we want to help. So here are some highlights from the past week.

The ever-reliable Internet rumor mill was rife with excitement: What exciting newness would Apple unveil to commemorate of its retail stores? As it turns out, the answer was: iPads. Not a new model of iPad for you to take home and caress, but rather . The iPads offer product information, pricing, and other such details, and even let you page an Apple Store rep to come help you. Sadly, their Home buttons are blocked, so you can't use them to play Super Stickman Golf. The Apple Store now offers for major Apple hardware purchases, too. And lest the iPhone Apple Store app get jealous, it also . Frankly, though, I'm not interested until it gets multiplayer.

If you missed our story on regarding threatening legal letters the latter company had sent to iOS developers, then you should probably check our homepage more often. We also published of the letter from Apple Legal.

, but it's hard to browse it from a Kindle. Our own Dan Frakes about the store experience.

For our next item I turn now to my rhyming dictionary, with sincerest apologies to Dr. Seuss (who deserves better):

First, let's take a moment and appreciate that I correctly pluralized "how-to's" per 's style guide on my first try. Then, let's move on; we published some great tutorials over the past week.

If you're frequently mocked for mis-singing lyrics like don't miss Kirk McElhearn's guide to . Business folk who need to prove they use their iPads for work in order to justify expensing them will rejoice upon reading . And if you're planning a summer vacation, don't miss our . (Bonus tip: Don't play Flight Control on the plane. It makes people nervous.)

We also shared hints on in Preview, , and , which is less painful than it sounds--particularly for Twitterrific. And we shared advice on , and yes, this refers to the kind of flash Mac users should embrace (not the crashtastic memory hog).

As ever, we offered a slew of reviews. offers great multiplayer--complete with in-game trash-talking; reminds you about your tasks and [NOTE TO SELF: Finish Notificant's description later]; lives up to its name, and floats our boat. , unfortunately, was a bit of a disappointment.

On the hardware side, we really liked , although their name is certainly an earful. We also covered --"And to think," some Windows fan somewhere must have chortled, "it's not even made by Apple!" Chris Breen couldn't deny that the has (forgive me) appeal. We also wrote up , which we managed to do with a straight face.

With that, you should be mostly caught up on Macworld's coverage from the week gone by. Tune in again next weekend to read about all the stuff you'll miss between now and then.