Remains of the Day: PC and Mac together again…sort of

Microsoft takes a shot at an ad featuring a PC and a Mac--with a twist. Meanwhile, they say only the good die young--but what dies young ? And if the films aren't your cup of tea, you might want to avoid these pictures of tortured Apple products. The remainders for Friday, November 12, 2010 will certainly be watching through their fingers.


Microsoft's latest Windows ad touts PCs' Blu-ray-playing chops. More to the point, though, I have some questions about this speculative universe where even movies star sentient laptops. Let me get this straight: computers eat computer chips but can still drink ginger ale?


Sure, Halloween was a couple of weeks back, but apparently that's not the time of the year that the dead rise. The Microsoft Kin, the smartphone that Redmond killed off , may walk again, according to leaked documents from Verizon. Remember, folks, this is why you always .

(Cult of Mac)

Ever wonder what happens if you were to shoot your MacBook with a handgun, handsaw a Magic Mouse, or sledgehammer an iPhone 4? You have? You .

(9 to 5 Mac)

Apparently Apple has scrubbed the '09 from images of the iWork box in a mailer it sent out. Conspiracy theories in 3...2...1--