Remains of the Day: You're harshing my zen, man

Things change pretty fast in this constantly connected world. But while Pink Floyd may have finally surrendered to the future of music and drug dealers may be distributing iPhone apps, at least we can take solace in the fact that Microsoft is still not funny. The remainders for Tuesday, January 4, 2011 advise you all to take a chill pill.


After years of resistance to having their albums flogged as individual tracks, British rockers Pink Floyd have struck a deal to allow their music to be sold on iTunes. The reason, we imagine, , but we still look forward to the exclusive iTunes Extras pairing of  and .


From psychedelic to psychotropic, as commenters rail against an iTunes app that helps marijuana enthusiasts convert units and figure out prices. But they’re not upset that Herb Converter made it into the store—they’re upset because it doesn’t let you, say, your merchandise. While the full app is already gone from the U.S. store, it appears that a free version is still available. Personally, I think they missed the boat by not integrating Yelp support for “restaurants open near me now.”


Everybody had one of those friends in high school who tried just a too hard to be funny. That’s kind of how I feel about Microsoft. Redmond’s latest attempt to create a viral buzz—this time for its upcoming CES keynote—features and is deeply, painfully unfunny. Kind of like Windows Vista.