Remains of the Day: Won't get fooled again

One rumor has Apple getting physical with iOS gaming; Consumer Reports's ability to hold two contradictory ideas in its head has yet to cause a psychotic break; and an indie movie about Steve Jobs gets half a man as its lead. The remainders for Monday, April 2, 2012 tip their hats to the new constitution.


9to5Mac points to a patent that Apple is working on a "physical gaming controller" that would feature a directional pad, a microphone, and buttons, in addition to a touchscreen. Because what iOS gaming really needs to take off is a device the size of your iPhone that you carry around with your iPhone.

(The Mac Observer)

Having , Consumer Reports has now declared Apple's tablet the best on the market. Is it just me, or does Consumer Reports go back and forth more on Apple products than Gollum does on murdering poor, defenseless hobbits?


Apple , effective April 1. This in fact turned out to be true, and not the lamest April Fools' prank ever.


In what was apparently not an April Fools' prank, it seems veteran Ashton Kutcher will be portraying Steve Jobs in an indie film chronicling the late Apple co-founder's life. Rumor has it Charlie Sheen is set to sign on as Steve Wozniak, warlock extraordinaire.