Remains of the Day: Two's company, three's a cloud

Is Apple concocting an iPhone & iCloud sandwich? Rumors say “delicious.” Meanwhile, Apple Stores across the UK are clearing out their show floors as a precaution, and Nintendo’s investors are asking the company why it can’t be more friendly with that nice Apple boy down the street. The remainders for Thursday, August 11, 2011, are all over the place.


You love iPhone 5 rumors and you love iCloud, so what’s it going to take to make these two great-tasting rumors taste great ? Why, an iCloud iPhone, of course. This rumored device would be a cheaper (read: free with two-year contract) handset unveiled alongside the iPhone 5, but would use significantly less flash memory, instead relying on storing data—you guessed it—. Serious question: How do we know when the cloud is full? Is that when it starts raining everybody’s data?

(Cult of Mac)

Rioting and unrest in the UK this week has apparently led Apple to empty out some of its storefronts. According to reports on Twitter, Apple Stores in Machnester, Liverpool, and Kent have all divested their show floors of products to avoid looting. Either that, or Apple’s pulling some sort of “Emperor’s New Clothes” scheme.


Nintendo’s investors are apparently disappointed that the company hasn’t ported its games to smartphones, and instead remaining focused on building its own devices. Frankly, much as I’d love to see Mario and Luigi on my iPhone, I fear is the closest we will ever get.

(York Region)

Amnesia sufferer David Dorey depends on his iPod touch as a memory substitute: He can set reminders for things he needs to do, jot down notes, and even take pictures to remember things. Man, that totally would have killed the plot of .

- Version 2.0 of Second Gear's Dropbox-based text editor for iOS includes support for publishing to Tumblr and Facebook as well as exporting to HTML and PDF. You can also now export files via Dropbox, iTunes, Evernote, and email. The UI has also been redesigned for both iPhone and iPad and there are a variety of interface tweaks and bug fixes. $5.

- Ecamm Network has updated its iPhone utility to version 2.7, bringing support for Lion as well as preliminary iOS 5 support. There's also now a Page Setup menu option, and the 7-day demo period has been reset to allow users to re-try the program. $20, free update for registered owners.

- The Omni Group has revved its task-management app for iPhone to version 1.11, revamping the Forecast mode to integrate calendar events, as well as adding a section for showing items due on days of the upcoming week. Items on the home screen can now be reordered, and frequently used perspectives can be added directly to the home screen as well. There are also a couple of enhancements to syncing. $20.