Remains of the Day: Pull!

Foxconn's head honcho does everything but pull an iPhone 5 out of his pocket, Apple pulls out raises for its store employees, and the new non-Retina MacBook Pros get pulled apart. You can't resist the gravitational pull of the remainders for Thursday, June 21, 2012.

(Focus Taiwan)

Boisterous Foxconn chairman Terry Gou--last seen --said this week that consumers should wait for the iPhone 5 instead of buying Samsung's recently released Galaxy III. Because, Gou pointed out rightly, five is better than three.


The comic book adaptation of Bill Gates's life, brought to us by the same publisher who , depicts the origin story of the former Microsoft CEO. Additional titles feature Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page and Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. Worst Justice League .


A report from Dow Jones suggests that Apple Store employees are due to receive their biggest pay increase ever. And all the workers had to do to get those raise was .


iFixit has moved on to disassembling the latest MacBook Pro (non-Retina) models, yielding a few new details. Honestly, I haven't seen this much good teardown work since James Dean's performance in .