Remains of the Day: Google backtracks, NBC plays chicken

It's a world of conflict we live in. If it's not Google taking potshots at rival Apple, then it's Palm employees leaving for Google or NBC and Time Warner taking Adobe's side in the Flash versus iPhone debate. Read about it all in the remainders for Thursday, May 27, 2010.


Google vice president of engineering Vic Gundotra told TechCrunch that he was about . We're sure this has to do with the fact that Apple CEO Steve "Wild Man" Jobs is in just over a week and isn't exactly known for his restraint.


Speaking of WWDC, analyst Trip Chowdhry started this morning off with a bang, . By the afternoon it had gained so much play that Microsoft took to Twitter to blast it out of the water. Mark my words, people, we'll see before Jobs lets Ballmer within 800 miles of his stage.


Money can't buy you everything, but perhaps it can buy you a better user interface. Matias Duarte, the design guru behind Palm's mobile operating system has jumped ship for Google, where he'll be the User Experience Director for Android. Hey, HP, maybe you shouldn't have told him he'd be writing glorified .


In the battle over Flash and the iPhone, media giants Time Warner and NBC Universal have reputedly decided to side with Adobe, saying they won't convert their Web video content into an iPad-compatible format; instead they'll stick to the ubiquitous Flash. This isn't the first time NBC has played chicken with Apple--in 2008, . So we'd call this another example of NBC's saying "show me the money" if it weren't for the fact that we hesitate to inadvertently summon the ghost of 's acting career.


InformationWeek has reprinted a slew of complaints against Apple published by the FTC and FCC under the Freedom of Information Act. Many have to do with familiar topics such as the prohibition on Flash, App Store restrictions, and, uh, iPhones catching fire (okay, maybe they should look into that one). But my money's on the complaint that refers to Apple's "elitist and totalitarian control"--that's a winner in my book. My .