Past and future meet in Novell OES

20.04.2005 von Logan G.

Novell"s OES (Open Enterprise Server) 1.0 is not actually a new product, but a weaving together of existing ones. Aiming to bring old Novell customers to Linux, and Linux shops to NetWare, OES combines SLES (Suse Linux Enterprise Server) 9.0 and NetWare 6.5, including Virtual Office Services and iPrint, Novell File Services and iFolder, identity management (nSure and eDirectory), Novell iManager Web-based admin, and clustering. No longer do these services require NetWare servers or even NetWare client software on Windows workstations, and with outstanding support for Linux workstations and servers, OES is worth investigating for any organization that uses Linux, especially for workstations.

Novell File Services can integrate Windows, Linux, and NetWare file services, providing transparent access to user data no matter what machine a user logs in from, or where files are stored. eDirectory is not only easier to set up and use than Active Directory, it provides better wide area network services and can synchronize user information across Windows NT domains, Active Directory, eDirectory, and NDS (Novell Directory Services), used with older versions of NetWare. iManager provides easy access to user management tools, not only for NetWare and eDirectory, but for Windows and Linux users as well.

The Novell NetWare vision is one of users moving easily from one workstation to another, logging in and receiving all the services they"re accustomed to, without needing to copy files or settings. It"s a vision that Microsoft may not want to share. But the ease of integrating and managing users, workstations, and servers across NetWare, Windows, and Linux makes OES something that any organization interested in adding Linux workstations to their networks should investigate.

Novell Open Enterprise Server 1.0 Novell Cost: starts at US$995

Available: now