iPhone Case Offers a Hand -- Literally

OK, Apple fanboys and fangirls, we all know that you . The question is: Do you really love them?

A new case from Japan will literally let you hold hands with your iPhone 4. The Dokkiri Hand Case -- which has a fake, but somewhat convincing hand attached to its back -- will be available later this month from online retailer for about $64.

It's a small price to pay to publicly profess your smartphone love affair.

It comes in two varieties: one with a fake lady's hand and one with a fake child's hand. Is it just me, or did things suddenly get a lot more creepy?

Sounds like the person who wrote the product description on Strapya World was a little confused about the product too. Here's his or her description:

"Why??? Yeah, I am asking myself the same thing. Why would you want a hand on your iPhone 4, right? Well, believe it or not, this Hand iPhone 4 case could actually come in "handy." As shown on the picture on the right, you could hold hands with your iPhone to make sure you don't drop it. Or if you are feeling really lonely, this case may reach out to you and give you company. Okay, I am done. This case is crazy. This case is creepy. And for some people, this case is absolutely awesome."

If you're a little disturbed, you're not alone. Chris Nerney of and Sean Fallon of both classified this case as creepy.

It certainly could give a whole different meaning to the term ".