Firefox 4, Microsoft Word, Windows Live Mail

My mailbox is filling up again with questions, so it's time to get busy answering them. In the last I covered Internet Explorer, PC parts, and customizing Windows icons. This week I answer questions about Firefox 4, Microsoft Word, and Windows LIve Mail.

Where to Find the 'Previous Pages' List in Firefox 4

I continue to receive a lot of reader questions about Mozilla's Firefox 4. Today I heard from Philip, who asked this: "I was just noticing that you can only go back or forth in the paging controller (top left). You used to be able to click on a down arrow and see a list of previous pages. Is there a way to get that back?"

Philip's is referring to Firefox's Back button, the one you click to go back to the previous page. In earlier versions of Firefox, there was a small arrow attached to that button; clicking it revealed a list of the sites or pages you'd visited during that session, in that tab. It was a handy little tool--and it's gone in Firefox 4.

Or is it? The arrow may be gone, but the functionality is still there: just right-click the Back button to see that list of previously viewed pages. From there you can left-click any of those pages to jump right to it, just like in the old days.

For more help with the new browser, read "."

Microsoft Word Tip: Adjust Your Document's Line Spacing

You wouldn't believe how often I get the same few questions about Microsoft Word. Perhaps the most common: "How do I change the line spacing?"

I can understand the confusion. In Word 2003 and earlier, the line-spacing settings were tucked away inside a formatting menu. But if you use Word 2007 or 2010, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find a line-spacing control right on the Ribbon.

Rather than my usual step-by-step instructions, I thought I'd share this on changing line spacing in Microsoft Word. (Although the video specifically calls out Word 2007, the steps are the same for Word 2010.)

You know what they say: a tuturial video is worth a thousand words. Or something like that.

How to Change the Font Size in Windows Live Mail 2011

Reader da6151 (that's a funny name) is running Windows Live Mail (the 2011 version, I'm assuming) in Windows 7. That's Microsoft's free e-mail client, and it also happens to be the one my wife uses.

But da6151 has a problem: the default font for reading messages is too small. "My senior eyes have a hard time reading it," he says,"unless I copy [the text] to Word where I can select the Font size."

This is a known issue, one that many others have encountered. There's even some evidence that it was caused by Internet Explorer 9, which is the kind of thing that makes me smack my forehead and consider, however briefly, ditching my Windows PC for a Mac.

There are font-size settings in Windows Live Mail, but they don't seem to do any good--not for reading e-mail. If you click the blue Menu button in the upper-right corner, then Options, Mail, Read, Fonts, you'll see a Font Size selector. On my system, bumping it to Larger or Largest made absolutely no difference in the visible font size--and other users have reported the same thing. (Come on, Microsoft, really?)

So, what's the solution? I asked Hassle-Free PC blog readers, and they came through with a couple ideas:

n2cou says: "I use FireFox 4 and use the - and + Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons. It works great."

batchado says: "In IE9 go to Tools, Internet Options, Accessibility. The only box that should be checked off is Ignore font sizes specified on web pages. To adjust the font size, go to IE9 View and Text Size, which changes the font in Windows Live Mail."