Don't bite that Apple, it's full of worms

Talk about kicking somebody when they're down. Apple (aka The One) for six months, if not permanently. The company's stock is in the toilet, and . The products it rolled out at Apple's last-ever Macworld show could put a crystal meth addict to sleep, and with Steve Jobs' medical reports.

Now this: Mac malware is now circulating across the Net via pirated copies of Apple's new iWorks software. Per :

The "iServices.a" Trojan hitchhikes on iWork '09's installer, said , an Austin-based company that specializes in Mac security software. "The installer for the Trojan horse is launched as soon as a user begins the installation of iWork, following the installer's request of an administrator password," Intego said in a .

Once the Mac is infected, the Trojan phones home to let daddy know it arrived safely and is awaiting further instructions. Since then, the same bit of viral nastiness -- dubbed OSX.Trojan.iServices.B -- has begun , according to Macworld.

Glass-half-full types can view this as further proof of the Mac's success; it's now installed in sufficient numbers to be worth the attention of botnet herders. Also: That room full of manure is sure to have a pony inside.

I bet Apple is , which it posted on its support site last November and then pulled after it received too much attention. At the time, :

The is designed with built-in technologies that provide protection against malicious software and security threats right out of the box.

I wonder how they're feeling about that now?

Windoze fanz can't really gloat, though. There's an even nastier worm wriggling through holes in Windows RPC Server Service. ," it's been infecting an average of one million machines a day. At this point 10 million machines have been nailed, but , according to the wonks at Secureworks.

Nobody knows what Conficker's ultimate purpose will be, but selling Girl Scout Cookies won't be it. Looks like 2009 is starting out nasty in all kinds of ways. Be careful out there.

Have you been nailed by Mac Malware or Windows Worms? E-mail me directly: