Access Twitter While You Pretend to Work

Yesterday you learned . Ah, but what about at the office? What if you can't get a good cell signal at your desk? And what if the big bosses block your browser from connecting to Twitter? How will you tweet? HOW?!

First, rub your hands together in mock-evil fashion. Then, say, "Mwa ha ha ha." And finally, head to , a Twitter interface masquerading as a spreadsheet.

No, this isn't one of those "boss keys" made popular back in the 80s. Spreadtweet offers Office 2003, Office 2007, and Office for Mac versions that look exactly like their real-world counterparts. But instead of crunching numbers, they give you the full Twitter experience. Here's what the Office 2007 version looks like:

After signing into your Twitter account, Spreadtweet displays your messages as cells. To send a tweet, just click in the What are you doing? field (normally where formulas go) and type your message.

So, just how foolproof is Spreadtweet? Someone would have to look really closely to discover that you were not, in fact, working in Excel. In fact, my PC World bosses have yet to figure it out. Mwa ha ha ha!

Spreadtweet requires . If you don't have it or aren't allowed to install it, there's that's not nearly as convincing--especially since it resembles Excel for Mac and you use Windows--but probably better than nothing if you just gotta tweet.

All this being said, I don't condone shirking when you should be working. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a spreadsheet to finish.