Meldungen vom 03.09.2012

  • Gerüchteküche

    Kommt bald ein Nexus 7 mit 3G?

    Am Jelly-Bean-Tablet "Nexus 7" haben die meisten Tester bislang wenig auszusetzen.  …mehr

  • Streit auf der Funkausstellung

    YouTube und Google gegen die Sender

    Fernsehen und Internet: Auf der Internationalen Funkausstellung IFA vereinen die neuen Smart-TVs beide Welten. Wenn sich aber die Manager der beiden Branchen zusammensetzen, geht es nicht so harmonisch zu. …mehr

  • Kambodscha

    Schweden verlangt Auslieferung von Pirate-Bay-Gründer

    Die drei Gründer der Internet-Tauschbörse The Pirate Bay haben ihren Kampf gegen die schwedische Justiz bereits vor Monaten verloren. Seitdem wird nach Gottfrid S. Warg gefahndet. Nach seiner Festnahme in Kambodscha verlangen die Schweden nun seine Auslieferung. …mehr

  • Gewinnspiel zur VMworld Europe

    Fliegen Sie nach Barcelona!

    Gemeinsam mit VMware verlost die COMPUTERWOCHE ein VIP-Package zur VMworld Europe vom 9. bis 11. Oktober in Barcelona inklusive Full-Conference-Pass, Hin- und Rückflug und drei Hotelübernachtungen. Machen Sie mit! …mehr

  • IFA bietet ersten Eindruck

    Fernsehen à la Google

    Fernsehen trifft Internet - das ist das große Thema der IFA. Auch Google will mitmischen. Auf der Messe in Berlin ist zu sehen, wie das Konzept des Internet-Riesen aussieht. Ob alle ausgestellten Geräte in Deutschland auf den Markt kommen, ist aber ungewiss.  …mehr

  • Überambitionierte Roadmap

    Oracle macht Rückzieher bei Java EE 7 für die Cloud

    Tja, Java EE 7 wird dann wohl doch nicht der versprochene "beste Application Server für die Cloud".  …mehr

  • Indische Blogger düpiert

    Samsung setzt sich in die Sozialen Nesseln

    Samsung dürfte in Zukunft wohl mehr Schwierigkeiten haben, Blogger für gesponserte Reisen zu gewinnen.  …mehr

  • Gadget des Tages

    Headset Jabra UC VOICE 750

    Jabra bietet mit dem UC VOICE 750 ein Headset, das preisbewusste User adressiert und eine ordentliche Audioqualität bietet. …mehr

  • "Coworking"

    Kuschelstube für digitale Nomaden

    Die Arbeitswelt verändert sich rasant. Für das flexible Arbeiten an jedem Ort bieten sich "Coworking Spaces" an. …mehr

  • Linux-Rückblick KW 35

    TurnKey-Linux, SoftMaker Office 2012, Trojaner Wirenet und mehr

    Mit der Server-Plattform TurnKey-Linux lassen sich schnell Appliances aufsetzen und lauffähig machen. Mit Version 12 wenden sich die Entwickler von Ubuntu ab und benutzen Debian als Basis.  …mehr

  • "WSJ"

    Sharp mit Displays für nächstes iPhone in Verzug

    Apple bekommt einem Zeitungsbericht zufolge weniger Bildschirme für das anstehende nächste iPhone als geplant. …mehr

  • Halbgarer Patch

    Java SE 7 ist weiterhin unsicher

    In dem von Oracle Ende vergangener Woche veröffentlichten Java SE 7 Update 7 wurden schon wieder gravierende Sicherheitslücken gefunden.  …mehr

  • IFA

    Musik aus dem Netz bringt Audio-Branche in Schwung

    Neue Audiosysteme mit Anschluss ans Heimnetz verdrängen die gute alte Stereoanlage. …mehr

  • Montagsgerücht

    Amazon subventioniert neues Tablet mit Werbung

    Kurz vor einer von Amazon anberaumten Pressekonferenz sprießen die Spekulationen, was der weltgrößte Online-Händler vorstellt. Das "Wall Street Journal" berichtet von einem besonders günstigen Tablet-Computer. …mehr

  • Patentklage gegen Galaxy S III

    Apple verstärkt Druck auf Samsung

    Wenige Wochen vor dem erwarteten Start des nächsten iPhone nimmt Apple den stärksten Rivalen mit einer Patentklage ins Visier: Samsungs Spitzen-Smartphone "Galaxy S III". …mehr

  • Outsourcing

    Media-Saturn überlässt Capgemini die IT-Infrastruktur

    Das Beratungs- und IT-Dienstleistungsunternehmen Capgemini und die Elektronik-Einzelhändlergruppe Media-Saturn haben einen IT-Outsourcing-Vertrag geschlossen.  …mehr

  • Big Data 2012 - die besten Projekte

    European Southern Observatory (ESO)erforscht den Weltraum schneller

    Mit Datenbank-Technologie von Sybase aus dem Hause SAP sind Wissenschaftler heute in der Lage, bodengebundene astronomische Forschungsprojekte bis zu zehnmal schneller abzuschließen.  …mehr

  • Inhalt der COMPUTERWOCHE 36 2012

    xRM - das neue Beziehungs-Management

    Ab sofort ist die neue COMPUTERWOCHE als Heft und als iPad-Ausgabe erhältlich. Diesmal wird das xRM - Beziehungs-Management von verschiedenen Richtungen aus beleuchtet.  …mehr

  • Preiswerter 23-Zoll TFT-Bildschirm

    Viewsonic VX2336S-LED im Test

    Der Viewsonic VX2336S-LED ist ein preiswerter TFT-Bildschirm mit IPS-Panel. Die Bildqualität des 23-Zöllers überzeugt mit einer natürlichen Farbwiedergabe.  …mehr

    Von Bernd Weeser-Krell
  • SSDs mit dem besten GB-Preis

    Die günstigsten Solid State Drives im Test

    Bei SSDs purzeln die Preise wie reife Äpfel vom Baum. Und das ist gut so. Denn endlich kann sich jeder eine flotte Flashspeicher-Festplatte leisten. Unsere Schwesterpublikation PC-WELT hat für Sie die preisgünstigsten Solid State Drives im Test herausgesucht.  …mehr

  • IT intim - Was CIOs beschäftigt

    Safety first - auch bei Tablets

    Als weltweit operierender Sicherheitsdienstleister stellt Securitas hohe Anforderun­gen an die eigene IT-Security. Wie verträgt sich das mit dem Einsatz von iPads?  …mehr

  • BearingPoint-Studie

    Nachhaltiges Prozess-Management zahlt sich aus

    Trotz messbaren Nutzens setzt nur ein Viertel der Unternehmen das Thema richtig um, so eine aktuelle Studie des Beratungsunternehmens BearingPoint.  …mehr

  • Neue Serverkühlung

    Rechenzentrum - 70 Prozent weniger Energie

    Die Stadt Marburg reduzierte ihren Energieverbrauch im RZ drastisch. Eine Adsorptionskältemaschine und ein Blockheizkraftwerk machen es möglich.  …mehr

    Von Johannes Klostermeier
  • E-Mails fehlt Tiefe

    Manager müssen Offline-Zeiten einplanen

    Die Effektivität eines Managers hängt nicht nur davon ab, E-Mail und andere elektronische Kommunikationskanäle zu beherrschen sondern sie auch mal abschalten zu können. …mehr

    Von Andrea König
  • Linux users targeted by password-stealing 'Wirenet' Trojan

    Malware writers are interested in Linux after all. Russian security firm finding a shadowy Trojan that sets out to steal passwords on the open source platform as well as OS X.  …mehr

  • Russia Yanks Google From Android Tablets

    If you're not happy with your Android phone or tablet collecting your data and sending it to Google, you're not alone. The Russian defense ministry announced a stripped-down and encrypted version of Google's operating ssytem, destined for government and military devices, will also be on sale to the public.  …mehr

  • Wolfram Alpha Facebook App Distills Wealth of Your Personal Data

    Answer engine Wolfram Alpha can figure out anything that can be computed -- such as the distance between Earth and Mars on Valentine's Day this year. Now, if you're a Facebook user, you can use the online tool to glean a wealth of information about yourself.  …mehr

  • Sony Handycam HDR-PJ760V is spendy, but worth every cent

    It's very pricey. It feels like a brick. And at $1600 and jam-packed with high-end features, I hesitate to call Sony's flagship Handycam a consumer model. This camcorder falls squarely between the consumer and the higher-end prosumer worlds. It's one of the more compelling compact camcorders I've reviewed.c--  …mehr

  • Arrested Facebook 'troll' revealed to be UK policeman

    A 'troll' arrested on suspicion of aiming a torrent of abuse at a fellow Facebook user has turned out to be a 32-year-old Birmingham policeman, it has been revealed.  …mehr

  • HP Launches Open WebOS into Beta, Pushes Ahead with Hiring

    Hard on the heels of the news that HP's webOS Global Business Unit is being as an independent but wholly owned company called Gram, the company on Friday officially launched Open webOS into beta.  …mehr

  • Three Painless Ways to Get Photos Off Your iPhone

    They say that the best camera is the one you have with you. By that measure, smartphones are the best cameras around. As I've previously reported, iPhones are the number one camera used to upload photos to Flickr, and I can attest to the fact that it fits in my pocket better than my Nikon D7000. In the past, I've given you some advice on , which is great, but the most vexing part of using the iPhone is getting photos onto your PC. Rather than emailing photos back to your PC all the time, try one of these three handy ways to automate the process.  …mehr

  • Hacktivist steals data from UK police websites

    A hacktivist has successfully stolen data including email addresses from three UK police websites in an attack apparently in support of Wikileaks' Julian Assange.  …mehr

  • Google Nexus 7 with 3G to arrive this year?

    Google will supposedly be launching a new model of its tablet with 3G mobile connectivity.  …mehr

  • Arms Cartel Global for iPhone

    , for the iPhone and iPod touch, is as massive multiplayer online game that may test your patience.  …mehr

  • Playing Politics with Cybersecurity

    For most people, hackers and malware are nefarious entities intent on compromising their PCs and mobile devices, and perhaps stealing some login credentials or financial details. A successful attack can be quite frustrating,--or even devastating--on a personal level, but nobody gets killed and the world goes on.  …mehr

  • What's Facebook's Secret Sauce to Wash Out False 'Likes'?

    Facebook claims it's the proliferation of false "likes" on its system, but its methods for doing it are opaque.  …mehr

  • Facebook cleanses pages of fraudulent "Likes"

    Facebook said on Friday it will cleanse pages of fraudulent "Likes" that have been injected by scammers to impart a false sense of popularity on profiles.  …mehr

  • Amazon, Motorola, Nokia to Battle Apple with Tech Announcements

    Tech watchers buckle your seat belts. The first week in September is going to be a wild ride as Nokia, Motorola and Amazon introduce new devices just before Apple is expected to unveil its next generation iPhone on Sept. 12.On Sept. 5, Nokia and Microsoft will hold an event in New York, where the companies are expected to announce a high-end Lumia phone, probably with a new version of Windows Phone OS. Nokia's annual developers' conference also takes place Sept. 5-6 in Finland.Some people believe the Windows Phone operating system is dead in the water, but such thinking underestimates the connection that people may make between the Windows 8 interface on their desktop or tablet, and the one they can get on their smartphone. Remember that Windows Phone 8 will be closely aligned from a technology standpoint with the upcoming Windows 8 OS for desktop PCs, laptops and tablets, which is slated to ship at the end of October."They're going to start promoting [Windows Phones] to connect the two in consumers' minds," SteveKoenig, director of industry analysis with the Consumer Electronics Association, told PCWorld. "And it would probably happen from the phone side; so if you get a Windows Phone, you can also get a Windows 8 tablet, just as an example. This makes sense because carriers like AT&T are starting to offer more across devices."[See more: ]As for an improved Lumia device, it's exciting news for . I tested the Lumia 900 a few months ago and found the Windows Phone interface refreshingly different from iOS and Android, particularly the colorful "live" tiles that morph as your phone is synced with real-time information. I also appreciated Nokia's choice of sharp edges, quality materials and excellent camera -- opposed to my , with its iPhone-like rounded corners, cheap-feeling plastic build and mediocre camera.MOTOROLAAlso in New York on Sept. 5, Motorola will stage with Verizon what they're calling "." Motorola is expected to introduce what may be called the Droid Razr M 4G LTE, its first major phone since the company was acquired by Google for $12.5 billion. The new phone is expected to have a bigger battery, 8-megapixel camera, software navigation buttons for Android 4.0, and possibly NFC functionality.The latest rumor, according to an unnamed source who dished to , is that the new 4G LTE-enabled phone will have a unique edge-to-edge display that maximizes the screen viewing space by eliminating black frames or bezels. Whether or not Motorola's new phone will deliver an HD display is unclear. Recent indicates it may be a 4.3-inch qHD (960x540 pixel) Super AMOLED Advanced display with Gorilla Glass 2.AMAZONOn Sept. 6 Amazon has scheduled an event in Santa Monica, Calif., during which it is expected to give a first look at new iterations of its Kindle Fire tablet. According to , Amazon will announce an ad-supported Kindle Fire that "would display an ad after the user 'wakes the gadget." Such a device would presumably be cheaper than an ad-free version, similar to how last year Amazon positioned its inexpensive for $114 instead of $139 for the standard version.In addition, reports that Amazon will take the wraps off two new 7-inch Kindle Fire models, according to "a person who has seen the products." This individual says the company will announce a brand new Kindle Fire as well as a slightly improved version of the original. The rumor follows up on Amazon's announcement earlier this week that the original Kindle Fire was "."While rumors that Amazon was working on a larger iPad-sized version of its tablet may still be true, the latest word is such a device won't show up at Tuesday's news event.Amazon claims the Kindle Fire has captured 22 percent of U.S. tablet sales, numbering in the "millions." Indeed, consumers gobbled it up when it debuted during last year's holiday season for only $199.COMPETITIONSince then, however, competition in the tablet market has heated up considerably. Amazon now has to contend with Google's Nexus 7 running Android 4.1, Jelly Bean, which sold out of stores and marketplaces almost immediately after it started shipping in July.And then there's Apple, which is expected to unveil a new smaller tablet that certainly will make things tougher for other 7-inchers already in the market. Even if Apple doesn't cave to pricing pressures from the many tablet manufacturers selling them for $199, it's still likely to be a huge hit because of Apple's large fan base and well-established history of bringing top-notch products to market.[See more: ]As a possible example of how the Apple Mini might be better than competitors' products, suggest the smaller iPad would not have the same aspect ratio as the Kindle Fire and Nexus 7, but one that's more like the iPad. If true, the iPad Mini's display would be as tall as the current iPad's width,assuming the display size is be between 7 and 8 inches.To maintain the same aspect ratio as the larger iPad, the iPad Mini would have a 7.85-inch screen diagonally, with a resolution of 1024 by 768 pixels. As a result, the smaller iPad would have almost 40 percent more screen territory than 7-inch tablets like the Nexus 7 or Kindle Fire.Will Apple unveil the iPad Mini on Sept. 12? . Tech blogger John Gruber recently opined that Apple will release the next generation iPhone on Sept. 12, but wait several weeks before taking the wraps off of the highly anticipated iPad Mini.Stay tuned. PCWorld will attend Nokia, Motorola, and Amazon events next week, as well as the expected Apple event on Sept. 12.  …mehr

  • Rogue Microsoft Services Agreement email notifications lead to latest Java exploit

    Hackers are distributing rogue email notifications about changes in Microsoft's Services Agreement to trick people into visiting malicious pages that use a to infect their computers with malware.  …mehr

  • First look at Sony's 4K TV

    Sony's upcoming XBR-84X900 4K TV produced beautiful images in a demo at the IFA trade show last week, but its size, likely high price and a lack of content that can take full advantage of the set makes it an unlikely buy.  …mehr

  • Tweetbot for Mac returns in beta form

    The on-again, off-again version of Tweetbot for the Mac is on again--though in a limited beta form.  …mehr

  • Time to Give Java the Boot?

    Is it time to give Java the boot? Experts say yes.  …mehr

  • Ulster Bank admits increases losses from RBS computer crash

    Royal Bank of Scotland's Ulster Bank says its costs resulting from extensive group-wide computer glitches earlier this summer will grow by "tens of millions of euros" on top of the 35 million euros (£28 million) already set aside.  …mehr

  • Twitter Rival Gets Its Own iOS Client

    A startup that pledges to do Twitter right expanded its reach Saturday when its first app built from scratch for users of the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPhone .  …mehr

  • 10 questions for Freeborders CFO Paul Machle

    Name: Paul Machle  …mehr

  • Is Your ISP Spying On You?

    Arcticsid asked the forum if his ISP can "sit a screen, and see everything you are doing at any given time?"  …mehr

  • HP releases two beta versions of open-source webOS

    Hewlett-Packard released two beta versions of its open source webOS on Friday: one for developers that runs on the Ubuntu Linux desktop, and one for the "OpenEmbedded" development environment, intended to help developers port webOS to new devices.  …mehr

  • Pirate Bay co-founder arrested in Cambodia

    Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, the Swedish co-founder of the file-sharing has been arrested in Cambodia, where the authorities are considering an extradition request over copyright laws.  …mehr

  • Nokia Lumia 820 and 920 leaked on Twitter

    Nokia's upcoming Lumia 820 and 920 smartphones have been leaked online via Twitter.  …mehr

  • Chrome 21 is a browser built more for speed than style

    The designers of high-end sports cars often strip their cars of every inessential component, just to coax the greatest power and speed from their creations. Google's reminds me of those speed demons: It lacks the fit and finish of Apple's ( Macworld rated 4 out of 5 mice ), but man, does it ever burn (virtual) rubber.  …mehr

  • Razer Refreshes its Blade Gaming Laptop Line

    Gaming hardware maker Razer recently announced a refresh to its , a high-priced, yet unique gaming system that debuted in 2011. Razer's goal with the Blade line is to offer a powerful notebook with an attractive design that is as portable as possible. Last year's model was certainly a beauty, and the second iteration of the Blade looks to be pretty much the same on the outside.  …mehr

  • Do Authenticaton Questions Really Protect You?

    What is your mother's maiden name? It seems like that question has been used as secondary authentication to verify identity since the dawn of time. Over time, the authentication questions have become much more diverse. Sites now ask for things like what city you went to high school in, or who was your favorite teacher, or what was your first car.  …mehr

  • Bristol scientists develop quantum chip for un-hackable mobile phones

    An international research team based at the University of Bristol has reportedly developed a new quantum chip that could enable the creation of ultra-fast computers and unhackable mobile phones.  …mehr

  • Red Hat unveils new virtualisation beta

    Red Hat has announced the availability of the of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualisation 3.1.  …mehr

  • Walmart Experiments With iPhone App Checkout System

    Walmart is testing a new system that not only would save the company money but reduce the amount of time customers have to interact with the world's largest retailer's self-checkout machines, an experience some people find annoying.  …mehr

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