Why You Should Use Stephen Fry's Pushnote


4. Invite Comments on Your Site. If you don't already, make it as appealing and as easy as possible for visitors to your Website to leave comments through your site rather than--or in addition to--Pushnote. This may mean doing away with the registration process. Don't give away any traffic if you don't have to! In fact, I'd investigate the possibility of explicitly incorporating Pushnote comments with those made on my own site. If you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em.

5. Embrace Transparency. Pushnote is one more example of the openness and transparency that's increasingly being required of companies today. There really is nowhere left to hide--every company's best and worst features alike are inevitably laid open for all the world to see online. Embrace this transparency, and you can triumph from it, in the terminology of -- which, incidentally, considers customer reviews "the new advertising." Run from that transparency, on the other hand, and suffer the consequences.

I'm no mystic, but I have a good feeling about Pushnote. Smart businesses would do well to begin considering how they can make the best of it.

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