The world according to Michael Arrington

Ah, AOL -- just when it looked like you were about to slip into boring mediocrity, you surprise us yet again with your antics.

First comes the news that in AOL's latest reorganization (No. 247 in a series), the various editorial components have been broken out into "towns." Forbes blogger :

There's a News Town, a Women's Town, a Family Town, a Finance Town and so forth. The "Towns" concept isn't just a metaphor: Employees have been physically relocated into clusters, with signs overhead marking each town and its "population."

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It gets worse. As the , former TechCrunch CEO Heather Harde is now "co-mayor" of Tech Town. Hey, it could be worse; she could be co-Mayor of Tiny Town or possibly Munchkinville. (I gotta wonder: Does this work like Foursquare? If the janitor checks into Tech Town more often than Harde, does he get to be co-mayor?)

Still that silliness pales to the spitting match between Arrington and his new "sister" publication, Engadget, also owned by AOL.