The Macalope Weekly: Who writes this stuff?

It'll be a big week next weekas Apple gets set to unveil the next iPhone, and the pundits are already letting us know what a disappointment it'll be. Aren't they helpful? Frankly, the Macalope is used to that, since it happens every year. What he can't take are the trite pop culture comparisons to Apple that some people think are oh-so-smart. At least we can argue about. Our last pundit this week can't even get basic facts right. Oh, the Macalope's aching antlers!

The cycle of technology upgrades gets faster every year. Why, now you don't even need to wait for the next iPhone to be announced for pundits to tell you how lame it is!

MarketWatch's Jon Friedman doesn't even want to look at it.

How is there an iPhone 5 in your face when it hasn't been announced yet? Are you in a time machine?