The iPad Kiosk: Landing at an Airport Near You


A free-to-use, properly cleaned iPad sounds like a dream come true for weary travelers-but can you trust it? OTG was concerned about customer privacy, and so app developer Control Group created a custom browser that wipes all personal information as soon as the user hits the home button.

The built-in Safari browser, on the other hand, stores cookies and personal information. "It wasn't going to work for a multi-tenant environment," Lee says.

CTO Albert Lee

Now OTG stands on the precipice of a massive rollout: 7,000 iPads in the next 18 months. Blastein told Lai at Forbes that this figure could rise anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 in the next few years.

This will put the pressure on OTG's supply chain partner Tekserve. Already, Tekserve has streamlined deployment. The first iPads took about two weeks of prep time and two hours per table to set up. Tekserve has gotten those numbers down to 24 to 48 hours of prep time and 10 to 15 minutes per table.