The 10 Most Viral Super Bowl Ads

The score may have been settled on Sunday, but results from the broadcast's ads are just now coming in. Place your bets: It's time to reveal which commercials came out on top.

We've put together the 10 most viral Super Bowl ads, based on Internet views worldwide. Online video analytics firm compiled the numbers, taking into account both official and pirated versions of the videos. The data includes views from Super Bowl Sunday through Wednesday night.

So grab your chips and dip (if, of course, you have any left), and read on. You don't even need this go-round.


Heeeeere's desperation! Our list kicks off with Ed McMahon's stint as a spokesperson--er, sorry, a spokesperson and a client--for Cash4Gold. The ad, which reeks of late-night infomercial, somehow snagged 1.3 million views across the Web, securing its spot on the countdown. If McMahon selling his gold hip replacement isn't enough, you also have MC Hammer hawking his shiny parachute pants. Dignity was always one thing that guy .
