Securing your Board of Directors' communication portal


My thoughts: Ok, anyone that knows anything about malware knows that everyone has, or has had, a malware problem at some point. If you think you have never had one, that means you do not have any good malware detection technology. Second, AV is insufficient protection against malware; in fact Websense Labs finds 640 to 1,000 new malware per day that AV doesn't stop.

10 Questions for BCS Providers

Here are 10 questions to ask BCS providers to ensure that they are taking the proper steps to keep you safe. Speak to their IT security contact directly--don't waste time with the sales staff. If you are the CSO of a public company, ask your legal and investor relations team what BCS platform they are using, why they chose that one, and ask for a meeting to assess the risk.

Do you have a SIEM and logging system in place?

(You need to understand how they are keeping an eye on your data.)