Reader rabid: Free speech, hate groups, and hookers

It's been a wild couple of weeks here in Cringeville. Free speech and hate speech, privacy and prostitution, online censorship and the dangers of a digital monoculture -- all provided excellent fodder for my faithful readers. Here's the best of what they had to say.

My post about Facebook's ban (or lack thereof) on Holocaust deniers ("") inspired some heated discussion. The vast majority of readers strongly favored free speech, even at the cost of offending others. Cringester N. M. writes:

... banning anything - even if it's repugnantly offensive, is a dangerous action to take in a (allegedly) free society. I think it is extremely upsetting that people can hold such beliefs, and it goes against everything I think of as good and right in the world, however, I am certain that those very same people would love to censor my freedom and liberty as well.

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On the other hand, commenter "Cubbage" says he ditched Facebook after it banned photos of last fall. Now he thinks Facebook is being, well, two-faced:

The problem I have with Facebook's stand is that nursing babies are banned but hateful people are welcomed. Come on, either be a censor or get off your high horse.