Promising Prospect: Things Folders 0.9.8

I'm a big fan of Cultured Code's Things, the task and project manager for Mac. As I mentioned , it finds the near-ideal middle ground--for me, at least--between simple to-do lists and overly complex, Getting Things Done project organizers.

One of Things' useful features is that you can attach files to tasks by dragging them into a task entry in Things' window. However, I've found this feature to be better suited to the occasional "take care of this" file than for keeping track of all the files associated with a project. After all, attached files must still reside somewhere on your hard drive, so why not keep your files organized by project in the Finder?

Jazzaround's , currently in late beta, helps you do just that while keeping your files in sync, so to speak, with your Things-based projects. The first time you launch Things Folders, you choose some basic settings, such as where you want your project folders to reside. Click On to enable folder syncing, and Things Folders creates a set of folders that matches your list of projects in Things--as well as folders for each of the stock Inbox, Logbook, Scheduled, Someday, Today, Trash, and Areas items. (If you have any projects with characters--such as a colon--that can't be used in file or folder names, or if you have a project with no name, Things Folders will prompt you to rename those projects.) With the default settings, Things Folders even applies a custom icon to each Finder folder so it visually matches its corresponding area in Things.

But this isn't a one-time action: Things Folders also spawns a background process that watches Things for any changes to your projects and automatically updates this Finder folder hierarchy accordingly--although the Finder changes don't always happen immediately, because Things Folders must wait until Things changes its database, which can take up to a minute. If you complete a project in Things, Things Folders moves that project's Finder folder to the Logbook folder. (Since Things' Logbook can quickly fill with completed tasks and projects, Things Folders can organize the Logbook folder by moving projects into subfolders based on the month and year of each project's completion date.) If you delete a project in Things, Things Folders moves that project's folder to the Trash folder--not the actual Trash, as Things Folders will never delete files.

This background process carries out its duties even if you quit the main Things Folders program. And if you've installed , Things Folders can use Growl to notify you when folders have been modified or created.

Things Folders also makes it easier--and quicker--to access a project's files by creating, in each project's Notes field within Things, a link to that project's Finder folder. (If a task or project already has notes, Things Folders appends these links to the existing notes.) Just click this link to open the project's folder in the Finder. Similarly, the Today folder automatically contains an alias to each folder whose project has tasks in Things's Today list.