NZ united IT body slouches forward

The long-heralded ICTNZ (Information and Communications Technology New Zealand) alliance is inching closer to becoming a reality.

After years of discussion, the country's industry bodies are coming round to the idea of an over-arching industry group to represent the ICT sector.

The New Zealand Computer Society (NZCS) appears to have advanced furthest, having obtained commitment to going the ICTNZ route from the members at its annual general meeting earlier this month, following extensive consultation with its membership.

An item supporting an NZCS commitment to ICTNZ was placed on the agenda for the annual general meeting (AGM) by a branch of the society, said Chief Executive Officer Doug White ' although he declined to identify which branch.

'By the time of the AGM, we had considerable membership comment, both for and against' and the meeting expressed endorsement of the proposal.

Both Chip Dawson, president of the New Zealand Software Association and Ross Peat, Information Technology Australia-New Zealand (ITANZ) president, say their board and 'executive team', respectively, have committed to moving into ICTNZ, and are in the process of canvassing the membership. Peat expects that process to take three or four weeks.