More news not good news

I'm not sure which news story was more over-the-top this week: or the .

Google announced the latter on its at 9:37 pm on Tuesday, July 7. had their stories up within an hour or two of that announcement. actually by about an hour with some nice, old-school reporting.

By the time I got to work Wednesday morning and began browsing through my RSS feeds, I had my choice of 14 stories about Chrome. None of them substantially advanced the story beyond, "It's here! (Well, not yet. But it will be!)"

But within 24 hours, those same feeds were choked with 55 more stories about Chrome, most of them trying to explain What It All Means--what we used to call "second day stories," back when the news came out once a day.

Frankly, those 69 stories about Chrome OS were at least 65 more than I really needed. (Don't get me started on the number of my feeds that mentioned Michael Jackson this week--300 stories and counting.)