Master two words to advance your security career


The constraint of time

Each person has precisely 24 hours in the day, 168 hours in the week to allocate to play, work, sleep and the myriad of activities that encompass daily life. Facing the same constraint of time, we all experience similar pressures, limitations and frustrations.

This pressure naturally extends to work, too — especially for security professionals. So how do others handle the time constraints and the resulting pressure to perform?

A few years ago I spoke at a conference for Mortgage Bankers. In a room full of lawyers, I politely, but publicly asked if they took the time to read some of the policies they wrote before approving them. I wasnt taking shots, but truly trying to understand.

The answer was enlightening; it turns out that like us, lawyers would prefer to have more time to understand an issue and write a policy. Also like us, they dont have enough time, and in the face of continued deadlines are told to cut, paste and quickly get something drafted. They are just like us. In fact, when I work with organizations to assess their culture and interview people, the same stories and examples are revealed. Everyone is busy; nobody has enough time to get his or her job done.