Lockdown Facebook Photo Albums: Hands-on with McAfee Social Protection App

McAfee's latest Facebook app, called , lets users create protected Facebook albums that are viewable only to the users they choose to share with. The app is now officially in beta, which means using your Facebook account.

To install the app, you must first allow it to access your Facebook account. It asks for access to your basic info, which includes any public information on your profile, as well as access to your About You section and your photos (naturally).

After you click through the permissions, you'll reach the McAfee Social Protection Beta splash page. At the moment, the beta version of this app only works for users who have Windows 7 Home Premium or higher, and who are running Internet Explorer 8 or Mozilla Firefox 8 or higher.

You will be prompted to download the McAfee Photo Viewer software, which will let you both upload protected albums and view protected albums that your friends upload. The one-time installation takes less than a minute, and you will have to restart your browser before you can use the app.

To upload protected albums, just go to the My Protected Photos section and click "Upload and Protect Photos."

The app will ask for even more permissions -- to post on your behalf, access your data at any time (always a sketchy permission to bequeath), and to access your custom friends lists. The posting is so the app can post your protected albums to your wall (since you can upload albums that can be seen by your friends lists); the accessing your data at any time is presumably so your friends can see your photos even if you're not logged in to Facebook; and the accessing your custom friends lists is so you can choose custom friends lists to share your photos with.