Learning From the Heartland Credit Card Hack

Three suspected hackers are now in connection with the largest identity theft case ever to reach America's courts. The men are accused of of , the world's , and stealing more than 130 million credit and debit card numbers.

One of the men is a 28-year-old from Miami named Albert Gonzalez. The other two suspects are identified only as being from somewhere in Russia.

Data Hacking History

If Gonzalez's name sounds familiar, there's a reason: He's been tied to other large-scale data theft cases in the past. Gonzalez was charged in the from TJ Maxx, Barnes & Noble, and other companies last summer. He's also accused in the theft of thousands of cards in 2007. According to , Gonzalez is currently in jail awaiting that trial, which is set to begin next month.

Heartland's Hack, In Perspective

Put into perspective, the Heartland case is far above and beyond any data theft in the past; in fact, according to maintained by nonprofit advocacy group , the number of affected accounts in the hack is equal to nearly half the total number of compromised accounts in all breaches on record since 2005.