Learn the Basics of Using Pinterest for Business

Should businesses be interested in Pinterest? On the surface, you might not think so: the service would appear to be little more than a showcase for cool jewelry and favorite recipes.

However, it's also a great way to drive traffic to your site. That's according to a new HubSpot e-book: .

This free 43-page tome introduces you to the white-hot social network and explains how you can leverage it for lead generation.

For starters, what the heck is Pinterest, and why does it matter? The explanations here are clear and straightforward, with some interesting stats to back them up. For example:

- In October, the website of Time Inc.'s real Simple magazine got more traffic from Pinterest than Facebook.

- In February, 2012, Pinterest has been driving more referrals to HubSpot's blog than Google+. This insight proves that Pinterest presents a serious challenge to other social media channels and offers a competitive advantage to businesses that have started leveraging its potential.