Konami PR says 'maybe' to Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360

The Metal Gear Solid 4 on Xbox 360 rumors received a shot in the arm at TGS last week thanks to an offhand comment by a Konami PR representative.

It should come as no surprise, but the continued success of the Xbox 360, both in the U.S. and currently in Japan, are the driving factors in Konami's decision-making process.

"The worldwide demand for an Xbox 360 version (of MGS4) is quite high, and it is something we are currently looking in to," said Konami PR rep Yoshitaka Arai in a with Morningstar.

And that's it. No dates or timelines or really any kind of confirmation. We're kind of back where we started with this rumor: MGS4 is still a PS3 exclusive.