Klout Now Wants To Measure Your Real-World Influence

We've explained to you here on PCWorld, but a new update to the service may have boosted (or dropped) your score without you doing a thing.

The service Tuesday added additional "signals" that Klout hopes will bring your score more in line with real-world influence versus your social networking prowess, and make the Klout score, in general, more relevant.

Klout has been criticized for . Regardless of your actual importance in the real world, you may have a high score just because you know how to play the system.

Tuesday's update attempts to change this. In addition to including additional actions on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and other networks already included, Klout now uses information from Wikipedia.

"Our long-term goal is to understand and analyze all the world's influence, both online and offline," writes . "We see a Wikipedia entry as a significant indicator of one's ability to drive action in the real world."