iPhone 5 and CIOs: What Apple's New Phone Brings to the Enterprise

Throngs of consumers cheered Apple's unveiling of the iPhone 5 today, tech analysts predict the iPhone 5 will be the hottest selling gadget in history, and J.P. Morgan chief economist Michael Feroli said the iPhone 5 could boost the entire U.S economy in a measurable way.

But will the iPhone 5 matter with CIOs?

When the iPhone 5 finally lands on store shelves September 21, CIOs can expect calls from employees telling them their corporate-owned iPhones suddenly slipped from their hands and smashed to pieces on the concrete. They'll need another iPhone, perhaps the newly available iPhone 5?

"Let's just say there was a coincidence on major phones shipping and either damaged or lost equipment," VMware CIO Mark Egan told me earlier this year. ( with a bring-your-own-device mandate that supports iPhones.)

Truth is, iPhones and iPads have driven deeply into the enterprise with each new version. For instance, Consumer Intelligence Research Partners surveyed more than 1,000 consumers and found that one in five who bought the third-generation iPad released earlier this year planned to use the device for business.

There's no question the iPhone 5 will follow this lead and pour into the enterprise.