How to Use PC World's '' Codes

This is an update of a post I wrote a couple years ago. It seems like a good time to revisit the topic, as I've recently received a few related e-mails from readers.

You subscribe to the print edition of PC World, right? (If you don't, you're missing out on some of the best features, reviews, and how-to advice on the planet. And I'm not just saying that because I'm on the payroll!) If so, I'm sure you've noticed those little "" links scattered across the pages of each issue.

Just what are those things, and what are you supposed to do with them? Simple: they're Web links. You might be thrown by the lack of an "http" and "www" prefix. But take my word for it: If you type (or whatever the number happens to be) in your browser and hit Enter, you'll end up at the destination referenced in the magazine. Sometimes it'll be a PC World article, other times an outside site.

Wherever they lead, these Find links are all just Web address shortcuts. They eliminate the need for us to print lengthy, cumbersome addresses (like, say,

Of course, our shortcuts are PC World-specific. Services like and can shorten any Web address, which is great for pasting into e-mail messages, Facebook updates, Web forums, and the like.

If you want to save a little time, check out the (pictured). Just run this tiny Java applet, then type in any Find number and press Enter. Very handy!