How to Get Started With WordPress

If you need to establish a professional-looking website without shelling out cash for a Web design team, check out the free open-source blogging tool . Chances are good that many of your favorite websites use this popular platform, since WordPress makes creating and editing content on a blog incredibly easy.

While the basic management tasks are simple, customizing WordPress to meet your needs can be more complicated. Over the years WordPress has developed streamlined tools for setting up a blog and , but those tools dont always allow advanced users to access all of the features that WordPress offers. To that end, weve collected tips for setting up a fresh WordPress blogtailored for both beginners and expertsto help you get the most out of your new website.

Although WordPress is technically an open-source content management system for websites, the WordPress team also allows anyone to try out the tools by creating a free ad-supported blog at The simplest way to start using WordPress is to sign up for this kind of blog on the ; if you want a different URL, however, you can pay for a subscription that gives you a blog at the domain name of your choice, hosted on WordPress servers.

If you're an advanced user, and you already pay for hosting at another service (or if you run your own domain server), you can simply set up WordPress on your personal server by downloading the open-source WordPress software from the .

Whether you sign up for a free WordPress blog or install WordPress on your personal server, you need to learn how to navigate the WordPress content management system. At its core WordPress relies on a system of templates that allow you to make quick website design changes without losing any data, but advanced users who install WordPress on their own servers can access a few extra features that aren't available to users who start a free blog on